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How to Prevent CalcMgr Variables Overwriting Value of Variable in Planning

Wendy HodgettsAug 20 2018 — edited Oct 22 2018

Is there anyway to disconnect Replacement variables in Calc manager from the rules that reference them?

The reason being that when the rules are deployed to Planning, they overwrite the substitution variable value with the  one that is in Calc Manager.

Example:  In Calc Manager the app has a variable CurrMth set to May. In the Planning app itself there is also a CurrMth variable, which is set to Jul.  If I deploy a rule that uses CurrMth, the variable in Planning is updated to May. Running  the rule after the variable has been altered has some undesired consequences!

I've tried deleting CurrMth in CalcManager and redeploying the rule, but then when we run it we get the error: 'Unable to retrieve variable currmth deployed in application App1'.

Thanks for any pointers!


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Locked on Nov 19 2018
Added on Aug 20 2018