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What does "BC" , "SA" stands for

632197Apr 4 2008 — edited Nov 4 2008
Hi All,

I hope you all are doing great.

Can you please describe me what does "BC" and "SA" stand for.
e.g. :- mplt_BC_ORA_Codes_job,mplt_SA_ORA_Codes_job.
like SDE = Source depended Extract and SIL = Source Independent Load.

And where i can find all acronyms which they have used in Informatica mapping.

Any suggestions are really appreciate.


SA stands for Source Adapter
BC stands for Business Component

Unfortunately there is no single document that shows what the naming conventions stand for.

You can determine the purpose of any object in the Repository by going to the object name and right clicking and selecting Properties.:

For Example: "mplt_BC_ORA_TerritoryDimension" has the following Object Comments: Sales Region business component mapplet. Used to extract the territory information of sales business from oracle applications


"mplt_SA_ORA_BOMItemFact" has the following Object Comments: BOM items source adapter mapplet. Used to map the bill of material component information from the staging area table to the BOM items ADI format
Thanks a lot Damon.

can you please guide me how does OBIEE has define Mapping and mapplet life cycle to load Dimension or Fact table.

is there any document available in Oracle or Metalink3 site please let me know.
I am afraid there are no easy answers as to how the DAC / Informatica uses these components.

Additionally there are no documents, even internal to Oracle, that I am aware of describing these objects.

The majority of all source-specific transformations occur in the Source Adapter mapplet; sourceindependent
transformations generally take place in the Analytic Data Interface (load mapping). The
Source Adapter mapplet converts source-specific data elements into standard formats and then
stores them in a staging table. The source independent loading mapping then picks up these records,
which are already transformed into standard format.
The three components are Mapplet Input (MAPI), Expression transformation (EXP),
and Mapplet Output (MAPO).

Whereas A Business Component Mapplet extracts the data from the source system.
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Locked on Dec 2 2008
Added on Apr 4 2008