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how to modify the blob size, or how to set the size?

guyupday-1983542Mar 3 2010 — edited Mar 3 2010
i want to know how to modify the blob size, or how to set the size?
what's the default size of blob?

Thanks in advance.


Blob datatype can contain binary data with a maximum size of 4 GB.
when you enter 10kb file, the database will only use 10kb to store the file (depending on block size etc)
if you want to modify the blob size, you may do like this:

SQL> create materialized view t_mv refresh fast on commit
2 as select id, dbms_lob.getlength(x) len from t;

Materialized view created.

SQL> alter table t_mv add constraint t_mv_chk check (len < 100);

Table altered.
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Locked on Mar 31 2010
Added on Mar 3 2010
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