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How to convert number of hours to date format?

843854Sep 21 2004 — edited Jun 2 2006
Let's say i have a table named tblDate and has 2 columns: date_FirstDate and date_Hours.

im asking how do u convert number of hours to a date format in sql query?

Let's say the value of date_FirstDate is 09-21-2004 09:22:54 AM and the value of date_Hours is 72.
what i want is to convert the date_FirstDate into number of hours then add it to date_Hours. and then i want to convert back the total of hours to date format.

How will i do that in sql query statement?

i know this is possible in sql coz getting the difference between two dates can be done in sql:
DATEDIFF(date1, date2, hh)


i need ur help guys.
To add time to a date just use eg. sysdate + 10/24

Using '+' will add days onto a date. So to add a number of hours u add '1/24 * x' where x is the number of hours.

So u want ....
select date_FirstDate + date_Hours/24
from tblDate 
no im not gona add two dates, what i want is i want to convert the date format into number of hours then add it to date_Hours which is plus 72 then convert again the sum or total numbers in date.

or the other way around, i can convert the 72 hours to date format and thenadd it to the date_FirstDate.
You haven't tried my idea have you??

You dont only use '+' for adding JUST dates. If you do 'date + number' it will treat the number as 'number of days' NOT A DATE!!!!!!

I'll run you through the logic...
1. 1 day = 24 hours
2. Divide 1 by 24, gives you value for one hour
3. Multiply this figure by the number of hours required (in your example 72)
4. Add this figure onto your date
5. Voila!

heres a screen shot from a sql session...
SQL> select to_char(sysdate, 'dd-mm-yy hh24:mi:ss') from dual;

22-09-04 13:45:48

SQL> ed
Wrote file afiedt.buf

  1* select to_char(sysdate + 72/24, 'dd-mm-yy hh24:mi:ss') from dual
SQL> /

25-09-04 13:46:07
You will notice that this added 3 days on. The time difference (19 seconds) is because im using sysdate.
iv tried it but it doesnt work.
ok for a clearer view of what i want to happen, here's an example below:

I have a table named tblDate that has 2 columns: column_DateReported (data type char) and column_Hour data type int.

Let's say tblDate has 1 row:

09-23-2004 09:32:55 AM_____________72

what i want to happen is to convert column_DateReported to number of hours then add it to column_Hour which is 72 then get the total then convert the total to date format 09-26-2004 09:32:55 AM.
or you can do the other way around, convert the column_Hour 72 to date format then add it to column_DateReported.

72 hours is equivalent to 3 days, so if u add the two, you'll get 09-26-2004 09:32:55 AM
and if i changed 72 to 10 hours then i should get 09-23-2004 07:32:55 PM

Iv tried
SELECT DATEADD(hh, column_DateReported, column_Hour) AS totaldate FROM tblDate
but this code is adding two numbers where column_DateReported and column_Hour's data type must be int.

SELECT (column_DateReported + 72/24) AS totaldate FROM tblDate
this doesn't work, null pointer error.

someone replied to my post in the other forum, and the code he gave me works.

here's the code::
SELECT CONVERT(varchar(25),DATEADD(hh,column_Hour,column_DateReported)) AS totaldate FROM tblDate
thanks guys! :)
My solution does work, at least I have had no problems. Was it just the date format that wasnt correct?

What databse are you using as that solution isnt very sql-92?
im using sql server 2000.
I have similar problem with date and time.
In Oracle 9 i have a table: TABLE1(id,dt)
dt data type: number for example:
id dt
1 1134481032
in sql query :
select (to_date('1.1.1970 00:00:00',' hh24:mi:ss') + (dt/60/60/24))
from TABLE1 where dt = '1134481032'
i get : 13/12/05 13:37:12
till now eveything is ok but when i create a jtable and importing this query i get only: 13/12/2005 (IF I CHANGE THE DATA TYPE TO DATE)
or 13/12/2005 12:00:00 am (IF I CHANGE THE DATA TYPE TO TIMESTAMP)
i have try everything but every time i recieve the same ( 13/12/2005 12:00:00 am)
Please i need help. It will be nice if someone can give me some code as example.
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Locked on Jun 30 2006
Added on Sep 21 2004