how to change the context root for tomcat
843842Jun 9 2008 — edited Jun 11 2008hi friends,
i just want to change the context root for tomcat so that i could deploy jsp's and servlet's without having a need of putting the class file and web pages on default context root frequently.
i have created my own development directory and now intending to create java files and web pages, compile these and then deploy as if these are deployed in the default context root(install_derectory\webapp\ROOT,install_derectory\webapp\classes) where server looks the class files and webpages. someone told me that i have to set the path of web application in the docBase attribute of context tag.
but there is not any context tag in server.xml file of this tomcat version(5.5.17).
actually i have been using the netbeans IDE so far and was unaware of what is going on inside. but now i just want to go through.