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843811Jan 7 2005 — edited Jan 11 2005
when i open a page with java on it, it is not viewable. instead, i get this error message: THE SUN JVM IS NOT INSTALLED: CLICK TO INSTALL
so i click to install, but download is 108MB. i was told by a friend that all i need is a 14MB download, but dont know how to find it.

another friend told me that i need J2SDK, but that's a 165MB download. then i emailed Sun, and they said i just need JAVA VIRTUAL MACHINE and not J2SDK, but when downloading JAVA VIRTUAL MACHINE, i get JAVA RUNTIME ENVIRONMENT SE v 1.4.2_06 with 108MB.

other things i tried downloading:
-J2SE SDK which is supposed to be 14MB and i keep getting JAVA2RUNTIME ENVIRONMENT SE v1.4.2_06 which is 108mb.

-J2SDK SE v 1.4.2_06 by clicking:
For Windows, choose "Windows Online Installation" for the quickest download and installation on a machine connected to the Internet. The default download size is 48.6MB, which is the maximum download. The size may decrease if features are deselected, to a minimum of 14.3MB.'
but what downloaded was not 14MB, it was 165MB.

I need java only for viewing certain parts of pages, nothing more, so 165MB seems crazy. i try to install only certain parts by checking 'do not install this now', but it gets installed anyway. there seems to be no way to only install a portion of the download. and the strangest thing is that i once had java, so where did it disappear to?

how can i just get the 14 mb download. i've tried EVERYTHING.
can anyone help? i've spent HOURS being challenged by this.



Online Installer


Offline Installer

And I don't know where you getting a 108MB file because I've never seen the JDK or the JSE being that big.
thanks so much for replying.

i clicked on your link and once again the JAVA 2 RUNTIME ENVIRONMENT SE v 1.4.2_06 is what got installed...108MB.

what's going on? why cant i just get the 14 MB download?

really grateful for any thoughts.
456795 -> 1.35 MB -> 14.9 MB

Whatever you are using to download those executables is returning the wrong information.
thanks caffeine,

but same as before.

i clicked on your link and once again the JAVA 2 RUNTIME ENVIRONMENT SE v 1.4.2_06 is what got installed...108MB.

what could it be? i've written Sun, and they gave me downloads as well, but its always 108MB or more.

could it be one of my settings in internet options or something else?
Maybe this is still a misunderstanding. Exactly where are you getting the value of 108MB? In other words, how do you know that it is 108MB download? Have you even tried to start the download?

No matter what is giving you the value 108MB, go ahead and try the 1.35M download and then look at its size of the install program (j2re-1_4_2_06-windows-i586-p-iftw.exe) on your hard drive.
your link led to a page at Sun which had a link. i clicked on the link and simply downloaded whatever the link you provided me with linked to.
it said 'run' or 'save'. in the course of the last few days, i tried both.

to check the size of download, i went to control panel/add remove programs, where it was listed as JAVA RUNTIME ENVIRONMENT... for 108MB.

a few days back, i tried the 1.35M download and again, it led to JAVA RUNTIME ENVIRONMENT... for 108MB.

how do you check the hard drive?

thanks caffeine
Ahh, that explains it. The Add Remove Programs is an estimate of the size of an install program after installation, not the download size. An install program is usually compressed. During installation, files inside the install program are uncompressed and copied to the appropriate locations on your hard drive.
how do you check the hard drive?
On the dialog that asks you to run or save it should tell you the size of the download. Also instead of clicking on run, click on save. Notice where you are saving the download. Using explore, go to the folder where you downloaded the program and right click on the install and select properties. It will tell you the size of the downloaded file.

Most of the files for the JRE are copied to C:\Program Files\Java\j2re1.4.2_06. If you want to see the size of that folder and its contents right click on the folder (j2re1.4.2_06) and select properties.

By the way I believe you have downloaded and installed the JRE 1.4.2_06.
you just solved the problem, caffeine! you're the man (or gal) !!!!!

i clicked on: Online Installer and downloaded:
which is now (in properties on the install icon), noted as j2re-1_4_2_06-windows-i586-p-iftw 1.35 MB.

FYI: add/remove programs still says 108MB.

i'm still having a bit of trouble understanding this concept (could be my ADD) so to saying that Add Remove Programs contains only an estimate of the size of an install program after installation, not the download size. i just assumed they were the same size. An install program is usually compressed. During installation, files inside the install program are uncompressed and copied to the appropriate locations on your hard drive , meaning that even tho i am downloading something of 1.35MB, those 1.35MB are compressed, and so when i uncompress them (by installing them on machine) the file size is increased? how can 1.35MB increase to approx. 108MB? and in the end, is this taking up 1.35MB or 108MB on my hard drive. (you say 108 is an estimate. but 1.35 is so different than 108, what kind of estimate is that?)

and finally,
- why do some friends have this noted as 14MB in THEIR add/remove programs.
- why do i have 1.35 and not 14MB (which is what most people have).

Most of the files for the JRE are copied to C:\Program Files\Java\j2re1.4.2_06. If you want to see the size of that folder and its contents right click on the folder (j2re1.4.2_06) and select properties. when i go to the actual folder, it says 33.7 MB. now i'm doubly confused as i thought it was 1.35MB.

By the way I believe you have downloaded and installed the JRE 1.4.2_06. yes i have, but i dont think i need the whole Java Runtime Environment just to view apps, do i? whenever i click on a download (like yours, for instance) the link leads to download of JRE 1.4.2_06. how can i get rid of what's not needed. again, i only need JAVA TO VIEW JAVA APPS.

are you exhausted yet??? (sorry, i really am trying to understand this).

thanks soooooooooo much caffeine!
If you want less installed you need to select the Custom option instead of the Typical when you run the install.

Sun has two types of installs: Online and Offline.

The j2re-1_4_2_06-windows-i586-p-iftw.exe (1.35 MB) which is downloaded from is the Online installer.

The j2re-1_4_2_06-windows-i586-p.exe (14.9 MB) which is downloaded from is the Offline installer.

So I assume your asking is what is the difference?

The Offline install (14.9 MB) has all the necessary files all inside the download. Basically it is like zip file with an executable installer in it that extracts and uncompresses all the files inside the downloaded file.

The Online install (1.35 MB) is like the Offline install except it only has the executable installer inside the downloaded file. This is why it is so much smaller. This executable will then connect to the internet to retrieve the rest of the files needed for the installation. If you select the Custom option this may result in less being downloaded during the install than the total size of the Offline install.
you're just gonna kill me, arent you?

i TRIED several times to do a custom, but it wouldnt allow.
i checked 'do not install this now', but it gets installed anyway. there seems to be no way to only install a portion of the download.

the strangest thing is that i once had java, so where did it disappear to?
Just to try and clear up some of the confusion:

The 1.35 MB download is the the online installer for the JRE 1.4.2.
The 14 MB download is the offline installer for the JRE 1.4.2.
These sizes refer to the size of the file that gets downloaded to your computer. This file a program you then have to run.

By running the program, Java gets installed on your computer. The size of the installation will be larger than the size of the file, because the real files will either be downloaded (in case of the online installer) or expanded (in case of the offline installer). The approximate size of the installed JRE is in the order of 60-70 MB.

There is also the SDK (or JDK), which includes the JRE and has some more programs needed to develop Java programs. An installed SDK is 100-120 MB.

Also note that different versions of the JRE have different sizes.

As has been said before, the size reported in the Add/Remove Programs window is an estimate. I very much doubt your friends have 14 MB sizes there unless they are still running Java 1.0.2. They are probably referring to the size of the file you can download.

My guess is, you had an SDK installed before. Either that, or you put extra files in the Java installation folder which caused the size to swell.

If you're still having problems, I would recommend removing anything related to Java from your computer (through Add/Remove Programs, or if that doesn't work: by deleting C:\Program Files\Java), then REBOOT, then startup Internet Explorer and go to and click the big Get it now button there. This should automatically install the JRE for you.
BTW, yes, you need a Java Runtime Environment (JRE) to view Java applets in your browser or run Java applications on your computer.

You do NOT need an SDK, unless you want to develop your own Java programs.
i cant say thank you enough.

thank you both for being so patient, and for explaining java in such a clear manner. its really MUCH appreciated.

thank you again,
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Locked on Feb 8 2005
Added on Jan 7 2005