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Java EE (Java Enterprise Edition) General Discussion


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J2EE 1.4 Deploy Tool Problems

843833Feb 5 2003 — edited May 14 2003
When I deployed an application according to the steps which I did under J2EE 1.3, the application can be deployed, but it can't run for java.rmi.Naming.remoteException. On the contrary, it could run correctly if I deployed it through .ear file created under J2EE 1.3.
I compared all .xml files(deployment descriptors), I found an important difference that there is jndi definition for an EJB and its ref. in Deployment descriptors created under J2EE 1.3 but there is no jndi definition in J2EE 1.4. I think the reason is that there is no JNDI tab,which is in J2EE 1.3, in J2EE 1.4. At the beginning, I thought SUN moved it into other tools, such as j2eeadmin. But I am disappointed for I could not find any tool provided by j2ee 1.4 can define jndi properties.
Does anybody know how to resolve this problem? I am very appreciate your help.

Junfei Chen


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Locked on Jun 11 2003
Added on Feb 5 2003