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JBluetooth - Extended Java Bluetooth library for Linux

843849Feb 21 2006 — edited Aug 30 2007

I've started the development of a Java Bluetooth library for Linux and J2SE,
based on AvetanaBluetooth, that supports features not supported by JSR-82
specifications like multi-device support and new Bluetooth 1.2 specification
features (inquiry with RSSI, for example). Thus, this library is JSR-82 based,
but it's not (and will never be) JSR-82 complaint.

Actually, I released a proof of concept with the following features:
* Inquiry with RSSI (Bluetooth 1.2 specification)
* Multi-device supports:
* Device inquiry
* Service discovery
* RFComm client connections

I'm looking for someone that is interested about this project and would like
to contribute with coding and/or testing.

Info, sources and contacts:

Marco Pracucci

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843849 Feb 15 2007
I'm very interested in your project.

I have a lot of experience using the avetana project, and would love to have a more advanced bluetooth library to work with.

The application I am interested in working on, is a web interface to a bluetooth hosting service, providing a "bluetooth hotspot" for people to share and download files, with one another etc.

Since JSP is my preferred web coding technique, this makes a lot of sense to me! Being able to start the service, scan for bluetooth devices and list them with a web interface would be a great application of your library.

843849 Aug 30 2007
hi, im very interested in your project but im new to java. do you have any example in netbeans or can help me?
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Locked on Sep 27 2007
Added on Feb 21 2006