Cannot install Java update or uninstall old version (Java error 1714)
929145Apr 8 2012 — edited Apr 30 2012Hello,
When I try to install a Java upadate it fails. When doing the installation for the new version from it gives the message (translated form Dutch):
+"The function you wish to use is located on a networked location which is not available. Click OK to try again or type in the field below another path to where installation package jre1.6.0_26-c-l.msi is located"+
When I cancel the installation it gives the following message:
+"Error 1714. The older version of Java(TM) 6 update 31 cannot be removed. Contact you technical support group."+
I tried the solution according to Java located at where it says to delete the java installation first and then install the offline package. The only problem is that I cannot seem to uninstall the current installation in my remove software list. The version there is called"Java(TM) 6 Update 29". When I want to uninstall this it gives the same message when installing the update:
+"The function you wish to use is located on a networked location which is not available. Click OK to try again or type in the field below another path to where installation package jre1.6.0_26-c-l.msi is located"+
I tried to get rid of the entire java installation by using:
- Scanned for blocking virusses, no virruses found
- JavaRa did not succeed in deleting current version
- Tried installing to offline package, no success
- Running all steps in administrator mode
None of it any succes. None of the Java using websites seem to work anymore and I can't seem to fix this. Anybody know of a solution?