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Cannot install Java update or uninstall old version (Java error 1714)

929145Apr 8 2012 — edited Apr 30 2012

When I try to install a Java upadate it fails. When doing the installation for the new version from it gives the message (translated form Dutch):

+"The function you wish to use is located on a networked location which is not available. Click OK to try again or type in the field below another path to where installation package jre1.6.0_26-c-l.msi is located"+

When I cancel the installation it gives the following message:

+"Error 1714. The older version of Java(TM) 6 update 31 cannot be removed. Contact you technical support group."+

I tried the solution according to Java located at where it says to delete the java installation first and then install the offline package. The only problem is that I cannot seem to uninstall the current installation in my remove software list. The version there is called"Java(TM) 6 Update 29". When I want to uninstall this it gives the same message when installing the update:

+"The function you wish to use is located on a networked location which is not available. Click OK to try again or type in the field below another path to where installation package jre1.6.0_26-c-l.msi is located"+

I tried to get rid of the entire java installation by using:

- Scanned for blocking virusses, no virruses found
- JavaRa did not succeed in deleting current version
- Tried installing to offline package, no success
- Running all steps in administrator mode

None of it any succes. None of the Java using websites seem to work anymore and I can't seem to fix this. Anybody know of a solution?


Hey dude, i had this same problem and i think i've found a fix. Go to this link and download the tool. It should run you through some steps. I followed the steps for having trouble uninstalling and then eventually it gives you the option to choose the application you are having problems with from a list.

Just choose the older java version and it will remove it for you. Check the windows program list and the Java entry should be properly uninstalled and you can then install the latest version of Java. Worked for me - hope it does for you :)
928679 wrote:
Hey dude, i had this same problem and i think i've found a fix. Go to this link and download the tool. It should run you through some steps. I followed the steps for having trouble uninstalling and then eventually it gives you the option to choose the application you are having problems with from a list.

Just choose the older java version and it will remove it for you. Check the windows program list and the Java entry should be properly uninstalled and you can then install the latest version of Java. Worked for me - hope it does for you :)
Huh! Thanks, bookmarked that link. Very useful indeed!
Glad to be of some help mate! :)
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Locked on May 28 2012
Added on Apr 8 2012