Hi All,
I have a strange issue where Item values passed to a modal page are not populating as expected
1] User changes select list on source page
2] I have a dynamic action which fires on change of the select list and runs a dummy PL/SQL action BEGIN NULL; END; I have put the item in the "Page Items to Submit" so the value gets changed in the session accordingly.
I have also tried using the "Set Value" action but incurred issues with recursive javascript errors. I don't believe the issue lies here though as when the select list value has changed, I can successfully see that the session value has also changed and javascript calls (using JQUERY and classic document.getElementById().value alert the new value)
3] I have wired up the "Open Modal" button to load the dialog page (using the inbuilt Target section in the "Behaviour" of the button attributes), passing the value to the Modal item (P2_PASSED_VALUE) with the select list item value - &P1_COLOUR.
4] On the modal page, I have two regions (to demonstrate this issue), The top shows the value of P2_PASSED_VALUE which is incorrect, and the bottom shows the session value of the source item P1_COLOUR which is correct
Note: If you refresh the source page before loading the modal then the issue is resolved. But I don't want to have to do this
I have set this all up on https://apex.oracle.com/pls/apex/f?p=94348:1 (any username) for you to look at
APEX version is
Thanks in advance for any info / help you can provide