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Query to find Suppliers and bank details in Oracle APPS

Abha GDec 5 2018 — edited Dec 5 2018

Hi, I am trying to fetch all the details of the suppliers, supplier sites and bank information. I have 2 scenarios.

1. A supplier has 2 sites and both the sites are associated with a bank. I am able to get these records properly by using below query :


FROM apps.iby_pmt_instr_uses_all instrument, 

  apps.iby_account_owners owners,

  apps.iby_external_payees_all payees,

  apps.iby_ext_bank_accounts ieb,

  apps.ap_supplier_sites_all asa,

  apps.ap_suppliers asp,

  apps.ce_bank_branches_v cbbv

WHERE  owners.ext_bank_account_id = ieb.ext_bank_account_id

AND owners.ext_bank_account_id = instrument.instrument_id  --(+)

AND payees.ext_payee_id        = instrument.ext_pmt_party_id   --(+)

AND cbbv.branch_party_id   = ieb.branch_id

AND payees.payee_party_id  = owners.account_owner_party_id

AND payees.supplier_site_id  = asa.vendor_site_id

AND asa.vendor_id              = asp.vendor_id

and payees.party_site_id = asa.party_site_id

--and asa.vendor_id = 4092

2. A suppliers has 2 sites but 1 site has a bank and the other site doesn't have a bank. I need to show both the sites in this case (with bank and without bank).  I am trying to put a outer join on "iby_pmt_instr_uses_all " table since this table doesn't have a record corresponding to 'iby_external_payees_all' table. But this doesn't seems to work. It returns me 4 records instead of 2.

Can you please suggest how can I achieve my requirement , so that I get all the supplier sites for a suppliers, irrespective of whether there is any bank associated with it or not.





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Added on Dec 5 2018