I am getting a "no ocijdbc21 in java.library.path" error when I try to connect to my Always Free ATP database using SQLcl 20.4. It is working fine with SQL Developer but I have it pointed to the Oracle Wallet.
Here's what I did:
C:\Users\jeanf>sql -oci
SQLcl: Release 20.4 Production on Tue Apr 20 13:15:03 2021
Copyright (c) 1982, 2021, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Username? (''?) apps@db202103261753_high
Password? (**********?) ***************
USER = apps
URL = jdbc:oracle:oci8:@db202103261753_high
Error Message = no ocijdbc21 in java.library.path
USER = apps
URL = jdbc:oracle:thin:@db202103261753_high
Error Message = IO Error: Unknown host specified (CONNECTION_ID=pMxks3uYQx6vXadE2EC/OQ==)
USER = apps
URL = jdbc:oracle:thin:@db202103261753_high:1521/db202103261753_high
Error Message = IO Error: Unknown host specified (CONNECTION_ID=WdVASXCLScy/SnIYnLl0ig==)
It does not work even if I specify the port (apps@db202103261753_high:1522) as per tnsnames.ora found in the Oracle Wallet (.zip).
So, where could I set this java.library.path, if that could fix the issue?
Thank you,