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Oracle Database Discussions


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Oracle DBA Help

sakunthala1Nov 28 2006 — edited Nov 28 2006
We have an Oracle 9i Database Standard Edition that is in production for about 3 years running on Windows 2003 Server Standard Edition. Our company does not have Oracle DBA. When we purchased Oracle license we didn’t sign up for Oracle Support.

If something goes wrong with Oracle Database, if we could not figure out the solution on our own, is there any company that provides Oracle DBA help on a contract basis?

What happens if we get internal errors in the database? Can we still contact Oracle Support?

Please advice.


there any company that provides Oracle DBA help on a contract basis?
I'm $ure there are lot$ of people (maybe even in thi$ forum) that will happily help you on a contract ba$i$.
There are companies and individuals who provide full-time or part-time or remote database/DBA support.

If the licenses are valid for Oracle Support, you can still sign up for Oracle Support, contact your local Oracle Office for additional help in this regard.

You can use resources like metalink ( to get your problem resolved.

Hope it helps,
Babu Rangasamy
Please contact me at if you need a parttime DBA. Our company provides Oracle DBA support.
Thanks for the reply. Just to make sure, We HAVE NOT signed up for Oracle Support, we have valid Oracle Licenses. Can we still contact Oracle, if Internal Error Occurs?

I appreciate your help!
If you do not have a support contract with Oracle, then you will need to obtain one.

If you do not have a support contract and you experience an "Internal Error" you will not be able to contact support because a valid Customer Support Identifier (CSI) is required to initiate a Service Request (SR), even if you were to call them directly.
Thanks for the reply. We will try to get Oracle Support.
#1. When you purchased Oracle Licenses, I guess Oracle would have provided (Support Identifier or CSI numbers), with that you should be able to create accounts/access with METALINK, which is one form of support Oracle provides. 99.99% of the day-to-day problems are resolved via metalink, oracle forms (like this) and other discussion threads.

#2. But if you want Oracle personnel onsite, then it needs a different contract or support level, which is very expensive in my opinion. There used to be different support levels like platinum, gold, silver etc., I'm not sure of the classification now, better contact Oracle for additional info.

I would highly recommend for #1, check the cost involved in #2 compare that with that of hiring a part-time/remote DBA, and see which one works better. If your database is not mission critical, configuring proper back and restore would help bring your database up, but with some downtime.

Hope it helps,
Babu Rangasamy
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Locked on Dec 26 2006
Added on Nov 28 2006