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How to return multiple value in select list

james.Apr 18 2008 — edited Apr 28 2008
Hi All,

How can we return multiple values in select list.
here is example of my select statement.

select 'a' display_value, 'b' return_value from dual;

is there any way i can return another value into page temp item.

select 'a' display_value, 'b' return_value, 1 ??? from dual;

Please help me.



Denes Kubicek
I tried reading this three times but still do not understand, what you want to do. Could you
please explain?

Denes Kubicek
I guess he means he wants to have multiple return values, based on 1 display value. but no, html doesn't have that option. in html a select list has options, in style like:
<option value='[return_value]'>[display_value]</option>

you could use tricks like comma-seperated ed. but guess dit would not be very useful. I would recommend to use technical id's/ primary key values on you're tables. with a id/primary key value in return value you will have access to all the data.
Denes Kubicek

Sounds like an explanation. But for that purpose you use multiselect lists.

Denes Kubicek
I am sorry, if I confuses you. Here what i am looking. I will take simple example and explain.

Say for example i have current select list like this.

select 'Sam' display_value, 'Sam' return_value from dual;
select 'Lesli' display_value, 'Lesli' return_value from dual;

and at same time when user select 'Sam' I want to return some flag say for example is_male_flag value '1' to apex hidden variable.

select 'Sam' display_value, 'Sam' return_value, 1 <return 1 into :p1_is_male_flag> from dual
select 'Lesli' display_value, 'Lesli' return_value, 0 <return 0 into :p1_is_male_flag> from dual

How can we do this ? When user select 'Sam' i want identify he is a male.

I appreciate your help.


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Denes Kubicek

You would create a computation for your :p1_is_male_flag item. This computation would
take the value of the select list into consideration.

Denes Kubicek
Denes Kubicek,

Thank you for your help. I am still not able to return value into hidden variable.

My select in select is not working.

I am getting following error

* LOV query is invalid, a display and a return value are needed, the column names need to be different. If your query contains an in-line query, the first FROM clause in the SQL statement must not belong to the in-line query.

My select statement is :

select 'Sam' display_value, 'Sam' return_value, 1 from dual
select 'Lesli' display_value, 'Lesli' return_value, 0 from dual

Please help me.

Like the error says, you're query is incorrect. For SQL Query based LOVs the sql-statement should have only a display and return vale in the select. In your case:
select 'Sam' display_value
, 'Sam' return_value
from dual
select 'Lesli' display_value
, 'Lesli' return_value
from dual

By the way youre sql does not make any sence to me.
Are you familiar with the static list for LOVs/Selectlist?
If i see this example, i would recommened to use that option

Johnny Be Good

you said one could use tricks like comma-separated lists in a select-list (LOV).
How would that look like?

Cause I actually would like to do something like that.

I tried creating a static LOV in this way:

Sequence, Display Value, Return Value:
1 a (a1, a2, a3)
2 b (b1, b2, b3)
3 c (c1, c2, c3)

and use the return values in a select statement with something like that:

select * from table where column in selectlist.returnvalue;

But this statement returns no rows.

You got an idea what I did wrong?

Hi Johnny,

I would use a same construction as with a multiple select. With a multipleselect the values are seperated by : So if you have an selectlist item ( P1_SELECT ) returning a list as a1:a2:a3 for the column to_be_selected, You can use this in the query with the instr function, something like:
select t.*
from table t
where instr( upper(:P1_SELECT)||':'
, upper(t.to_be_selected)||':') > 0
Johnny Be Good
Thank you very much Simon.

Exactly what I was looking for!
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Locked on May 26 2008
Added on Apr 18 2008