What could be causing this error......ORA-00904: : invalid identifier....??
512453Jul 1 2009 — edited Jul 1 2009 Hi,
My Webapp is returning this action error when a user click on a link:
Error occurred using:
SELECT ucp.*,
clp.forename, clp.surname, clp.suffix, clp.middle_name, clp.title, clp.investigator_flag,
clp.financial_disclosure_flag, cpr.role_desc
FROM clinical_personnel clp, tu_clinical_personnel ucp
LEFT OUTER JOIN clinical_personnel_role cpr ON ucp.role_code = cpr.role_code
WHERE ucp.personnel_no = clp.personnel_no
AND ucp.trial_no = ?
AND ucp.country_code = ?
AND ucp.unit_no = ?
ORDER BY ucp.sequence_no
caused by:
ORA-00904: : invalid identifier
I'm stumped as to what maybe causing it because I know for certain that all column names are valid and correct. Any ideas??