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Get A Blob size in bytes

592315Sep 15 2009 — edited Sep 16 2009
I am traying to determine the size of a BLOB in a table in bytes , NOT in characters.

I am using Oraclle 9i.

I tried to use dbms_lob.getlenght , this is what happens:

select sum(dbms_lob.getlenght(BLOB COLUMN))/1024/1024/1024 from TAB1.
This returned 2.3G

but when i checked the LOB segment in user_segments (getting the lob segment from user_lobs) i got 44G !!!!

How can it be ? does anyone know what am i missing here ?

I need to figure out which BLOBS in TAB1 are the biggest in terms of bytes but it seems that dbms_lob.getlength and the actual size of the segment are not the same.

Amit Zor


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Locked on Oct 14 2009
Added on Sep 15 2009