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get rows where the last row finish off

DevxApr 29 2010 — edited May 3 2010
Hi, i have two tables AND would LIKE TO get data BY combining both.
here IS my data

WITH hist AS
  SELECT To_Date('4/23/2010','mm/dd/yyyy') dt, 999 alias, 'PROC' dom FROM dual UNION ALL
  SELECT To_Date('4/27/2010','mm/dd/yyyy') dt, 999 alias, 'LON' dom FROM dual UNION all

  SELECT To_Date('4/1/2010','mm/dd/yyyy') dt, 111 alias, 'SOC' dom FROM dual UNION all
  SELECT To_Date('4/10/2010','mm/dd/yyyy') dt, 111 alias, 'NAO' dom FROM dual UNION ALL

  SELECT To_Date('3/23/2010','mm/dd/yyyy') dt, 222 alias, 'PSE' dom FROM dual 
final AS
  SELECT To_Date('2/26/2010','mm/dd/yyyy') dt, 999 alias FROM dual UNION ALL
  SELECT To_Date('4/22/2010','mm/dd/yyyy') dt, 999 alias FROM dual UNION all
  SELECT To_Date('4/26/2010','mm/dd/yyyy') dt, 999 alias FROM dual UNION ALL
  SELECT To_Date('4/30/2010','mm/dd/yyyy') dt, 999 alias FROM dual UNION ALL

  SELECT To_Date('2/25/2010','mm/dd/yyyy') dt, 111 alias FROM dual UNION ALL

  SELECT To_Date('2/26/2010','mm/dd/yyyy') dt, 222 alias FROM dual UNION ALL
  SELECT To_Date('4/22/2010','mm/dd/yyyy') dt, 222 alias FROM dual UNION all
  SELECT To_Date('4/26/2010','mm/dd/yyyy') dt, 222 alias FROM dual 

the output should be as follow(without the extra blank line of course)
DT	      ALIAS   DOM
2/26/2010	999     PROC
4/22/2010	999     PROC
4/26/2010	999     LON
4/30/2010	999     LON
4/27/2010	999     LON
4/23/2010	999     PROC
2/25/2010	111     SOC
4/1/2010	222     SOC
4/10/2010	222     NAO

2/26/2010	222     PSE
4/22/2010	222     PSE
4/26/2010	222     PSE
so what i am doing here is as follow, take one row in hist table (4/23) and join with final table and give me all rows in final table
where dt <= to the row in hist table and include the row from hist table.
this logic will give me rows 2/26/2010,4/22/10 4/23/2010

then the second row in hist table (4/27/2010) wiill get all rows
in final table that is <= to the current row and pick up the rows starting from the row > than the last row where the 4/23/2010 finished off
in this case the output will be 4/26/10, 4/27/2010(we need to include row from hist)

since there is no row in hist that is greater than 4/30/2010, this date will still be display and dom column value should be taking from the max date in hist
which is 4/27/2010. see output above

this sound a little confusing to explain but look at output of what to expect as output. the other ids should follow the same logic
can someone help write a query for this? thanks


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Locked on May 30 2010
Added on Apr 29 2010