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11g R2 RAC OneNode vs Active Data Guard

metalraySep 6 2010 — edited Sep 6 2010

I just read about the new Oracle RAC One Node but ddont get the difference to active data guard.

"RAC OneNode offers another opportunity: an additional way to tackle consolidation with a single instance of RAC running on one node in a cluster. Oracle calls its strategy a "Maximum Availability Architecture" - when a customer adds redundancy, the database can use it for added performance. Active Data Guard lets customers move backup and reporting to redundant machines. "


maximum availability architecture, isnt that data guard?

This post has been answered by Uwehesse-Oracle on Sep 6 2010
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Because you're rolling back and using your JMS Provider to move the message to a poison queue on the 3rd attempt I don't think you'll be able to change the message properties - the rollback will essentially undo them.

A few options spring to mind (some of which probably won't be appropriate)...

1. First thing I'd look at is whether you can monitor the poison queue - if the queue depth changes you know you need to send an email. If you need to copy details out of the message then this becomes a little more tricky as you have to browse the queue rather than consume messages from it.

2. There are commericial alerting applications which allow you to supress alerts until a threshold has been reached. They probably wouldn't work with email though (SMNP Traps is more likely).
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Locked on Oct 4 2010
Added on Sep 6 2010