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OCCI and Globalization

371787Feb 4 2003 — edited Feb 4 2003
Do we have Globalization support in OCCI.


Can you be more specific? There are lots of features in Oracle9i that support globalization-- OCCI allows you to use those features. I don't know how a client interface can or can not support a process like globalization, though.

Does OCCI have the flexibility like OCI to have control over the environment settings.
For Example: When the Environment is created in OCI using OCIEnvCreate, I have the flexibility to select the UTF-16 encoding.
In OCCI, when the environment is created using Environment::createEnvironment(), I have no option to set the encoding.

Also, OCI provides a lot of support for WideChar manipulation that seems to be missing in OCCI.

I was also referring to the documentation on Globalization in Oracle9i which has details only on OCI.
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Locked on Mar 4 2003
Added on Feb 4 2003