Dispose() vs. Close() with ConnectionPooling.
262991Feb 18 2003 — edited Jul 6 2007Can someone elaborate the difference between calling Close() and Dispose() on the OracleConnection and OracleDataReader?
According to the .Net documentation for the OleDbCommand, Close() closes the connection and returns it to the connection pool, and Dispose() closes the connection and REMOVES it from the connection pool.
How does calling Close() and Dispose() on the OracleDataReader affects the connection pool?
How does calling Close() and Dispose() on the OracleConnection affects the connection pool? (i.e. dose the Dispose() method of the parameter object calls the Dispose() of the command object, which then calls the Dispose() of the connection object?
How does calling Dispose() on OracleCommand and OracleParameter affects the connection pool.