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Java EE (Java Enterprise Edition) General Discussion


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New to J2EE and SUN development tools

843833Jan 10 2005 — edited Jan 11 2005

I'm confused. I recently purchased the book "Enterprise J2ME" where the first sample app (iFeedBack) requires a J2EE-compliant server. Regarding deployment of this application, the Java Web Services Developer Pack engine is also mentioned. Here is the text regarding the iFeedBack app that I want to build and deploy:

page 35
"The application download package has three subdirectories, each containing an application component. You can ust the ANT build.xml script in each directory to build and deploy the component.
Directory surveyserver contains a sample survey server application. After running ANT, a file bin/iFeedBackSurvey.ear is generated. It can be deployed to any J2EE-compliant server (J2EE v1.3 RI is tested). If this is the first time you deploy it, you need to run the sql/Init.sql script against your default database.
Directory singlesignon contains an example single sign-on toke service. Currently, all usernames and passwords are hardcoded into the source code for simplicity. Obviously, in real-world development, it must be hooked up with campus identity databases. File deployable.war is produced by the ANT script and can be deployed to the Java Web Services Developer Pack v. 1.0 engine."

My question is this: I thought I could download the Sun Studio Creator to get the Sun App Server to run the server portion of this code on my Mac OS X environment. But then the text above also refers to the JWSDP engine. So what tools do I really need and what are the distinctions and how do the following tools RELATE to each other?:
- Sun Java Studio Standard 5 update 1
- Java Web Services Developer Pack 1.5
- Sun Java System Application Server

Am I correct in assuming that the Sun Java Studio contains both the Application Server as well as the JWSDP? Also, what is the difference between Sun Java Studio Creator and the Sun Java Studio Standard?

Also, the source code for the iFeedBack app (which won a $20,000 award) is available at

I am working through SUN's The J2EE Tutorial and trying to gather the tools necessary to run the tutorial code on my Mac.

Thanks for the guidance,


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Locked on Feb 8 2005
Added on Jan 10 2005
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