passwd bug?
807557Aug 30 2008 — edited Sep 10 2008There's some password on solaris 10 5/08 (SPARC) and opensolaris 2008.05 (x86) that are validated with 'password*'. You enter the password + random chars (the * in my example) and you can loggin. I also have some problem with when I used for example 'qwerty1', then I change for 'asdf2' and finally 'qwerty1asdf2'. After I can loggin with 'qwerty1*'. I also try some password like 'Qwerty1&' and after I was able to loggin with 'Qwerty1*'. That's weird because it doesn't work with every password. So if you brute force with a N chars password, you try ~N password in one try.
Am I the only one with this problem?