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installing Solaris 10 with RAID + ZFS ?

807557Jul 25 2008 — edited Aug 8 2008
Hi, i've recently built a home-made server for racking with a local co-location provider, I've currently got Fedora 9 on it, but would really wish to have Solaris 10 to get ZFS support.

Got a couple of questions before i wreck my fedora 9 install, if anyone would be so kind,

I've dowloaded the Solaris 10 5/08 iso and burned that to dvd ready for install. Now when I do install Solaris will it reformat the drives as default with ZFS support or is this something that has to be done afterwards, also with the x86 install will it be able to boot from ZFS?

Idealy I've got two identical drives on there for RAID 1 so for the entire machine to be using ZFS would be the ideal setup, running in headless with just SSH to connect.

Any thoughts?


AFAIK no version of Solaris, even nevada build 91 uses ZFS for the root file system.

You could use OpenSolaris 200805 which does this but there are some other subtle differences between OpenSolaris and Solaris.

If you are running Solaris 10 U5, you can only have mirroring using svm, plus the root file system must be UFS.
However, you can make a slice in a zfs partition an mirror that (I wouldn't recommend using svm to mirror on
top of ZFS).

Opensolaris 2008.05 does zfs boot, and Nevada could do zfs boot since Build72 ( ) - though bits and pieces were
not working o rmissing (like swap in a zvol). The big roll in was on Build94 ( )
so if you get the latest, your chances of running into any issues are lower.

oh excellent!

thanks guys, i'll get to and give OpenSolaris a spin, was the only thing holding me back making the move.

all the best,

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Locked on Sep 5 2008
Added on Jul 25 2008