807559Feb 27 2003 — edited Jun 21 2007Hello,
I am in the process of migrating to LDAP. In the hostile environment my network is in, requires that this be done in the encrypted mode provided by TLS/SSL.
My LDAP server is configured for tls/ssl (port 636). I am able to successfully issue a ldapsearch command and retrieve data. This is of course the ldapsearch in /usr/iplanet/share/bin. Which I think indicates that my cert7 and key3 files are in the proper place and are valid.
My linux clients can ssh / authenticate using tls(port 636) against the ldap server.
My solaris9 machines simply hang when I force the issue of going thru port 636. They authenticate fine in clear text port 389. I have set the authmethod and serviceauthmethod both to tls:simple via ldapclient and it successfully configs the system. But as mentioned any access from that point is a hung command or if I have 389 open on the server it uses that.
If anyone is doing this maybe a look at your working ldap_client_file is what I need?
Ideas / suggestions?