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Reports 6i: How to set Paper Size (A4, letter,...) by default

411720Jan 8 2004 — edited Jan 8 2004
Dear All,
Very Good Morning,

When printing the report, by default it is taking paper size as A4. I want to set the paper size as letter as it will directly goes to the printer without showing any print dialog when desformat set to printer.

Looking for your suggestions or help

Krishna Reddy M


RC4-HMAC support has been included in Java 5.0 for a few years now.

I have not been able to test this personally, but it seems like this article has some more information on what settings you need to have to make it work.

Best regards,
Tomas Nilsson
Thanks for your reply,

but the article mention J2SE 5.0 as I interpreted it as Sun's JVM.
Does JRockit versionning correspond to Sun's versionning ?

We use the Oracle JRockit runtime, and I asked Oracle support if the RC4-HMAC is supported with the release I use. They are investigateing ...

The latest version of JRockit available on OTN corresponds to Suns update 17 of Java 5.0

So the answer to your question is Yes, it is supported.
Marked as Answer by 718081 · Sep 27 2020
Ok, thanks.

Oracle Support Team answer me that Java 1.5 update 12 corresponds to a JRockit 1.5 update 12. So as we need a JVM >= 1.5 update 7 and we use 1.5 update 15, it should support RC4-HMAC.
But it still not working.
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Locked on Feb 5 2004
Added on Jan 8 2004