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Java Development Tools


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java me sdk application icon

913469Jan 26 2012 — edited Feb 8 2012
I installed java me sdk 3.0.5 on windows 7 exactly as shown in tutorials (already have the required softwares).
When I go to "All Programs" from start menu to launch the application, I just don't find the icon. I only find: (documentation, uninstall, update center).
I even tried searching the folder where the software is located in my machine but didn't find any.
Now I don't know how to launch and use java me platform with an interface

Thanks in advance


Not until you learn how to spell please. This is not a text message on your mobile.
A Static method can be called with the class name with out creating an object,
Ex. <className>.<methodName>();
where as the non static method must be called by using an object, an object is an instance of a class.
Ex. <objName>.<methodName>();
Angelina123 wrote:
Hi there,
I am new to java.Plz tell me the difference between static and dynamic methods.
Do you mean the difference between methods that are declared static and those that are not? The former are also sometimes called class methods and the latter instance methods.

When a method (or variable) is declared static it belongs to the whole class. If it's not declared static it belongs to each object (instance) of the class. When you call a static method you prefix the name with the class name. When you call an instance method you prefix the name with an object reference.

Most of your methods will be instance methods. Static methods are used for thing that concerns the whole class. One example is that it could keep track of how many objects that has been created. Another example is that it could be used to create objects of the class (a so called object factory).
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Locked on Mar 7 2012
Added on Jan 26 2012
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