Help with virtualbox image on Windows 7 64 bit
We have a atttendeed that is trying to import the Virtualbox image on
VirtualBox-4.1.14-77440-Win today and am running on Windows 7-64 bit w/ 8Gb RAM and 141Gb Free space.
Running NTFS encrypted.
And is getting the following error
Failed to import appliance Oracle_Developer_Day.ova - Could not read OVF file 'Oracle Developer_Dat.ovf' (VERR_TAR_END_OF_FILE).
Result Code: VBOX_E_FILE_ERROR (0x80BB0004)
Note: his md5sum matches mine and I was able to import it fine on linux.
I know we have had several 100 people do this at our OTN Developer Days on windows so there should not be an issue - But I do not have a widows box that I can reproduce it on.
Any help ideas about what the issue might be.