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Forms 6i with oracle database 11g

VeenaNov 2 2012 — edited Nov 2 2012
Hi All,

I am trying to connect to oracle 11g database( - 64bit) but the form builder closes as soon as i give the login credentials.
I am working on windows 7. Please let me know the workaround/patch that needs to be applied.

This post has been answered by Christian Erlinger on Nov 2 2012
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Christian Erlinger
There are a some reasons why this won't work.
- if your database uses AL32UTF8 as database characterset this won't work
- if you set the database parameter sec_case_sensitive_logon to TRUE then you can't connect (unless you are using UPPERCASE passwords)
- I am not entirely sure but I remember having problems when Forms 6i wasn't on the last Patchset this also didn't work

As said Forms won't connect to a AL32UTF8 database, so if you are using this characterset you are out of luck, and there is not much you can do.

Marked as Answer by Veena · Sep 27 2020
Thanks. I am using AL32UTF8 characterset DB.
Is there a way to change it?
Christian Erlinger
You can check with csscan and csalter.

csscan basically will scan your entire database and see if csalter can change your database characterset to the target characterset you provide.
The characterset Forms 6i is capable of is UTF8 which basically is a variable width 3-byte characterset (AL32UTF8 is 4-byte variable width characterset). As there is basically no (sane) character using all 4 bytes of AL32UTF8 this should be possible however; UTF8 is deprecated so instead of changing to a deprecated characterset you should consider upgrading to a (supported) version of forms which is capable of connecting to AL32UTF8.

Hello Veena,

Forms Builder 6i is not certified to work with 11g database nor even with 10gR2 database.
The highest database version certified with Forms Builder 6i is DB 10gR1.

Right now the following forms version are certified to work with 11g DB:
Forms 10gR2(Bundle patch applied), 11gR1, 11gR2

Kind regards,

If someone's answer is helpful or correct please mark it accordingly.
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Locked on Nov 30 2012
Added on Nov 2 2012