How do you recompile the kernel for oracle linux 6.3
Glenn D.Dec 19 2012 — edited Dec 20 2012Hello,
I have installed Oracle linux 6.3 default settings on x86_64 bit pc
I have some questions:
1. What public yum repositories contain the oracle linux 6.3 kernel source code ?
2. Is the oracle linux 6.3 kernel source code on OracleLinux-R6-U3-src-dvd1.iso or OracleLinux-R6-U3-src-dvd2.iso , can I use this to recompile a new kernel ?
3. Do you have the steps/commands needed to set options and compile a installable kernel[rpm] on oracle linux 6.3 x86_64.
4. What gui tools are available in the desktop to manage settings e.g sound/volume or to install additional gui utilities.
5. Is there some documentation help on using the oracle linux desktop ?. If so where is it located .