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Oracle Linux and UEK versions support matrix

1010013May 21 2013 — edited May 22 2013
I am trying to find a support matrix that lists all the various OL5 and OL6 versions and the UEK kernels supported by each of them.

For example OL6.4 supports 2.6.39-300 and 2.6.39-400 UEK2 kernels. But does it support 2.6.39-100 and 2.6.39-200 kernels too. I have searched everywhere for this information, but not able to find so far.

I need a complete list of all OL5 and OL6 versions and the UEK kernels supported on them. any help is greatly appreciated.



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Locked on Jun 19 2013
Added on May 21 2013