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ODP.NET configuration confusion

maciej.milczarekJul 11 2013 — edited Jul 11 2013


I have two computers: one for development purposes (Visual Studio + ODP.NET managed installed) and second one for testing (no ODP.NET). I developed an application which works fine using oracle.managedDataAccess.dll but there is a problem regarding configuration file (app.config).

When I run my app on development computer everything works ok. There is oracle section in app.config:


    <version number="*">


        <dataSource alias=... "/>



        <setting name="TraceOption" value="1"/>

        <setting name="PerformanceCounters" value="0" /> 




When I try to run it on testing machine I get Unrecognized configuration section Exception. To solve this problem I need to add following line to app.config:

<section name="oracle.manageddataaccess.client" type="OracleInternal.Common.ODPMSectionHandler, Oracle.ManagedDataAccess" />

Then, application runs on testing machine, but on development machine I get Section or group name 'oracle.manageddataaccess.client' is already defined Exception. I tried to workaround it by removing duplicated section from config at runtime:

private void AdjustConfiguration()


    string sectionKey = "oracle.manageddataaccess.client";

    Configuration config = ConfigurationManager.OpenMachineConfiguration();


    var sections = config.Sections.Keys.OfType<string>().Where(c => c == sectionKey).ToList();


    if (sections.Any())


        sections.ForEach(s => config.Sections.Remove(sectionKey));



Solution above used to work with ODP.NET Beta 2, now with final release (4.121.1) it doesn't work - I still get duplicated section exception after section removal.

Does anyone have a solution how to keep the same app.config for development and testing purposes? Perhaps I'm doing something wrong?


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Locked on Aug 8 2013
Added on Jul 11 2013
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