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REP-56048: Engine rwEng-0 crashed

41524May 24 2005 — edited Nov 9 2009

We are running reports(10gas 9.0.4) from url, one specific report crashes the engine with the message REP-56048: Engine rwEng-0 crashed job id 12 but this works fine if we reduce the no of rows. what is causing this problem ?
please help me, we need to have this fixed asap.



Pmonaco-Oracle May 25 2005
extract of the 277942.1 note on metalink:

perhaps (!!) an explanation :
The crash no longer occurs when Reports Server tracing is switched off. This may be due to the size of the trace file and that there was insufficient disk space / memory/cpu available to create it.

Switch off Reports Server tracing by commenting out the xml tag relating to tracing in the Reports Server conf file.
<trace traceOpts="trace_all"/>
<!--trace traceOpts="trace_all"/-->
------------------------------------------ end of note


41524 May 25 2005
I played with the trace option but it didn't work, I think the problem is with the size of the data, report engine crashes while formatting the report.

I don't know what is causing this problem

thanks for your help

Chris Slattery May 26 2005
Have you raised a TAR ?

Have you switched tracing on in the server to see what it's doing ?
41524 May 27 2005
Thanks for your reply, we did open tar with oracle but it's is hanging with them for the last 3 weeks.

It's crashing on a stream function (processing an input stream)

Please mail me if you have any solutions for this problem, may be some settings are not correct.
416811 May 29 2005
I find the warning message in the logs:
05/05/28 17:20:19 REP-56097: Engine rwEng-0 callback timeout

Could anybody tell me why?
Thanks in advance!
384746 Jun 8 2005

Just a thought

I can cause my report server to crash quite easily
( not with your frm error ) but reason and solution may help

Default cache size is 50mb on 9i report server
If i change to 1mb and run a report which generates a cache file > 1mb ( a simple graph in this case ), form calling report will hang along with report server
Change cache to say 10Mb, restart report server and report runs without any problems

Can see the report failing in reports/rwservlet web page
Look in <appserver home>/reports/cache to see files created

edit <appserver home>/reports/conf/<report server>.conf
and look at cache size value

Hope this helps


451949 Aug 31 2005
I've been having exactly the same problem.
When I run the report and limit the amount of data, it works fine.
When I go over some amount, it fails.
I've played with the cache (and numerous other settings, including trace) and nothing has resolved this.
btw, I'm using this to create a delimited file, and the headers for thet file do show up in the cache directory, but no data.

Anyone have any luck so far?
207575 Nov 4 2005
did you get the solution?

I am having the same exact problem.
anybody.... help please..
325627 Nov 7 2005
The best way to track this down is to set trace-level debug on and see what is causing the problem. Lots of things can cause 56048. Reports has bugs in it left over from the age of dinosaurs. You just have to work around them...
246090 Dec 15 2005
problem is with page numbering in huge reports (for example in text field):
Page &<PageNumber> of &<TotalPages>
When use only
Page &<PageNumber>
report generate ok.
581687 Jun 6 2007
I may have found a solution for this. I just had this problem and I looked through the trace files. Here is the culprit:

[2007/6/6 2:19:4:613] Error 50103 (C Engine): 14:19:04 ERR REP-0069: Internal error
java.lang.StackOverflowError: JVMXE018: Insufficient Java stack size
363510 Nov 5 2009
Srini, Make sure you are not writing over 65, 536 rows to a spreadsheet. Did you find any such issue while generating PDFs?
Fahd.Mirza Nov 9 2009
It could be a bug, try upgrading.

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Locked on Dec 7 2009
Added on May 24 2005