FRM-92102 - A network error has occured
451826Aug 30 2005 — edited Sep 9 2005Hi,
I'm deploying a forms 9i application on the intranet. I'm using Oracle Application Server Forms and Reports Services 9.0.4 under Red Hat Linux AS 4.0, along with an Oracle 9i Database on another server (actually multiple databases, used for benchmarking). Every time I connect from a remote PC on the network under Windows XP Pro or Windows 2003 Server, after a few seconds or minutes, I get the error message: FRM-92102 - A network error has occured after ...
I did a lot of research on the internet. I'm using Internet Explorer 6.0, so I tried from Netscape 8.0 and Netscape 7.0, but I got the same problem. I changed the networkRetries in the formsweb.cfg to 5, but it didn't change anything.
On the other hand, I installed the Oracle Application Server Forms and Reports 9.0.4 on a Windows platform and it works perfectly, with no network error problems.
Also note that the Forms 9i application uses Webutil.
So, right now, I'm a bit lost. Can anyone please tell me if there is some parameter I have to set, or something I should do to make it work?
Thanks a lot