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Using Globalization Support

474257Jan 5 2006 — edited Jan 5 2006

Anyone know which oracle documentation have this subject "Using Globalization Support" ?


Using Globalization Support
[ ] Choose database character set and national character set for a database
[ ] Specify the language- dependent behavior using initialization parameters, environment variables and the ALTER SESSION command
[ ] Use the different types of National Language Support (NLS) parameters
[ ] Explain the influence on language-dependent application behavior
[ ] Obtain information about Globalization Support usage



Refer the below thread:


Hope helps!

thanks for the quick answere.

The Problem sounds quite familiar, but the suggested solution won't work ..

I am already trying an installation from the newest File.

It's specialy for w2008 x64. ... but maybe not for the release candidate 2 of the Windows Server.

Make sure the architecture of ur server (32-bit or 64-bit).

Post Installation log. so that we can investigate further.

See the Error log: ( installActions2009-08-05_01-52-22PM )
Using paramFile: D:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\\database\install\oraparam.ini

Checking installer requirements...

Checking operating system version: must be 5.0, 5.1, 5.2 or 6.0. Actual 6.1
Failed <<<<

Exiting Oracle Universal Installer, log for this session can be found at D:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\OraInstall2009-08-05_01-52-22PM\installActions2009-08-05_01-52-22PM.log

Please press Enter to exit...


I am using a 64bit OS on 64bit Hardware. The Oracle db File is for x64, too.
Satish Kandi
Checking operating system version: must be 5.0, 5.1, 5.2 or 6.0. Actual 6.1
Failed <<<<
Looking at the log you have posted, I would tend to think Oracle 10g is not certified against 2008 RC2. It is only certified against Windows Server 2008 RTM.

Support matrix also does not mention anything about RC2.
I suppose you are right.

Does anyone know if Oracle is going to support 10g on windows server 2008 RC2 anytime soon? Looking to shift a production database to this platform and would like to use this but will have run with 2003 if 2008 is not going to be supported.

Edited by: ecmDBA on Aug 27, 2009 1:55 PM
I opened a service request with Oracle about supporting windows server 2008 Release 2 and they said it is not currently supported (obviously) and to install it and just wait for it to get supported as it will be at some stage.

To actually get the software installed followed the steps with the oraparam file mentioned above and just acknowledged that the OS is not supported during the install.

I am going to create a test database and see how it goes.
I changed the file oraparam.ini and solved the problem

[Certified Versions]
# You can customise error message shown for failure, provide value for
Windows = 5.0,5.1,5.2,6.0,6.1

# Minimum display colours for OUI to run
# Minimum CPU speed required for OUI
# CPU = 300


Edited by: user8792348 on 02.09.2009 23:54

If you look at

10gR2 ( is certified for Windows Server 2008 R2, But I am still getting error when I run setup.

Oracle Database will certified with the following Windows Server 2008 R2 editions:
Windows Server 2008 Standard (x64)
Windows Server 2008 Enterprise (x64)
Windows Server 2008 Datacenter (x64)
Windows Web Server 2008 (x64)
Windows Server 2008 Foundation (x64)

Any idea?
Hans Forbrich
nycteam wrote:
Any idea?
Time to open a service request using your valid Support Identifier. It's pretty obvious that there are issues and that the community is not aware how to fix them.

Let us know the resolution.
Just got response back from the Oracle Support

From Certify on Metalink:
"Oracle Database *will be* certified with the following Windows Server 2008 R2 editions"

Currently, Windows 2008 R2 is not certified, but it will be certified. Unfortunately, we haven't been given a certification date yet. The best we can do is to have you periodically check Certify on Metalink for a change on this status.

Still have to wait..
Resolved the issue, by changing parameter in "ORAPARAM.INI"
It installed Oracle w/o any issues

Regards..Azaz Shaikh
Hans Forbrich
user9171195 wrote:
Resolved the issue, by changing parameter in "ORAPARAM.INI"
It installed Oracle w/o any issues

Regards..Azaz Shaikh

Even though it seems to work now - Are you sure that it will continue to work?
I did this change and got a bit further but now I am getting the same error once I get into the installer and right after I enter the initial database password and hit <next> the same error comes up. Unlike what happended for you, where the install continued. Any other ideas, did you change anything else? This is just a test database for proof of concept for an application. Anything you can add would be appreciated.
If you check the checkbox next to the error (assuming you are on the product-specific prerequisite checks process), this might get you by it (it marks it as user verified), depending on what you are trying to do. It worked for me, but I was just loading some of the client software. This may or may not work for you. Good luck.
Thank you for your response. Hopefully if I get to the point where I see something like what you are describing, i will give it a try. Thanks again for the info.
Can you tell us where you find the Oraparm.ini in the installer. There is no indication where to look for this.
can u let us know the changes u made in oraparam.ini to work with Win 2008 R2 pls?
Srini Chavali-Oracle
Pl refer to MOS Doc 1173433.1 (How to Install Oracle on MS Windows 7 / Windows 2008R2)

i too have the same problem of oracle10g instaaltion win windows2008 standard edition. pl help by the sending
the solution to install the same.
with regards,
Srini Chavali-Oracle
The "solution" is detailed in the MOS Document noted above. Posting its contents is illegal.

Just do a clean install of Windows Server 2008 R2 x64, do NOT configure your server yet, do NOT install any updates.
Use the correct and only certified install source from: ""

Unpack and open a command prompt in the "..\database" directory where the "setup.exe" is located.
Run the following command: setup.exe -ignoreSysprereqs

Wait for the OUI windows and continue with your preferences selections.
When the OUI prerequisites window appear it will come with the following error:

INFO: The user has manually verified 'Checking operating system requirements ...'
INFO: Checking CertifiedVersions
This is a prerequisite condition to test whether the Oracle software is certified on the current O/S.
INFO: Expected result: One of 5.0,5.1,5.2,6.0
Actual Result: 6.1
Check complete. The overall result of this check is: Failed <<<<

Select the checkbox to bypass the error and continue installation

Download and unpack the Patch Set from My Oracle Support and install it.

Have fun with you Oracle 10g x64 on a Windows Server 2008 R2 x64!


Edited by: mputters on Dec 11, 2010 12:54 PM

Edited by: mputters on Dec 11, 2010 12:55 PM
Srini Chavali-Oracle
mputters wrote:
Just do a clean install of Windows Server 2008 R2 x64, do NOT configure your server yet, do NOT install any updates.
Use the correct and only certified install source from: ""

Unpack and open a command prompt in the "..\database" directory where the "setup.exe" is located.
Run the following command: setup.exe -ignoreSysprereqs

Wait for the OUI windows and continue with your preferences selections.
When the OUI prerequisites window appear it will come with the following error:

INFO: The user has manually verified 'Checking operating system requirements ...'
INFO: Checking CertifiedVersions
This is a prerequisite condition to test whether the Oracle software is certified on the current O/S.
INFO: Expected result: One of 5.0,5.1,5.2,6.0
Actual Result: 6.1
Check complete. The overall result of this check is: Failed <<<<

Select the checkbox to bypass the error and continue installation

Download and unpack the Patch Set from My Oracle Support and install it.

Have fun with you Oracle 10g x64 on a Windows Server 2008 R2 x64!


Edited by: mputters on Dec 11, 2010 12:54 PM

Edited by: mputters on Dec 11, 2010 12:55 PM
Your solution assumes that folks have access to MOS, which is not true for everyone who posts in these forums.

the only thing you need to do, is modify the archive oraparam.ini in the install folder.
the original is

"[Certified Versions]
#You can customise error message shown for failure, provide value for CERTIFIED_VERSION_FAILURE_MESSAGE

you only need edit the end like this:

"[Certified Versions]
#You can customise error message shown for failure, provide value for CERTIFIED_VERSION_FAILURE_MESSAGE

and the DB will intall normaly.
You have other (C:\Install\ORACLE\10204_vista_w2k8_x64_production_db\database\stage\prereq\db\refhost.XML etc) files where you should make the same change.

Edited by: user8863688 on Feb 1, 2011 6:04 AM
I have Windows 7 Home Premium, on my brand new laptop and after I changed the ORAPARAM.INI file ,
it passes the error I got initially regarding 6.1 version of the operating system.
However it comes with the following error message now:

Oracle Universal Installer:

Error in accessing system registry. You may not have enough permissions to modify registry. Installation cannot continue.

Please suggest as soon.
Srini Chavali-Oracle
As noted in many threads in this forum, Windows Home versions are not supported/certified to install Oracle database software. You will need to upgrade to Win 7 Professional (or higher) or downgrade to Win XP Pro.


You can modify the "client\install\oraparam.ini" file, looking for the following section:

[Certified Versions]
# You can customise error message shown for failure, provide value for
Windows = 5.0,5.1,5.2,6.0,6.1

# Minimum display colours for OUI to run
# Minimum CPU speed required for OUI
# CPU = 300

Malik Adeel Imtiaz
Hi Maurice,

which media should I download to install the 32-bit Oracle 10GR2 client on Windows 2008 Release 2?

Best regards,

Srini Chavali-Oracle
Pl see the instructions here -

Thank's Srini,

The nomenclature has not been standerdized because at the URL you gave me, they use the term: Windows Server 2008 without specifiying the release (release 2).

But at this URL :

They use the term : Windows server 2008 R2.

This is really confusing and should be rectified.

Best regards.

Srini Chavali-Oracle
The heading in the link I posted states "5.6 Installation Media for Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2"

Is this not what you are looking for ?

Hi Srini,

Yes the heading in the link you gave me is good, and thank's a lot for this.

It is these two links that are not consistent and lead to confusion:


Best regards.

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Locked on Feb 2 2006
Added on Jan 5 2006