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Partitioning Behavior in Timesten

user10366531Aug 11 2014 — edited Aug 21 2014

Hi ,

I have installed timesten Release. TimesTen . I have keep passthrough setting to 1.

I have created AWT cache group . The table on which i have created AWT cache group .Table which is in oracle having Hash Partition .

Query configured from Application :

Example :

Update table set column1 = 0 ,column2 =1   where column x = ? and column y = ?

If i am pointing my application to oracle then query fired from oracle is

Update table set column1 = 0 ,column2 =1   where column x = ? and column y = ?

Query fired from Timesten data source

Update table set column1 = 0 ,column2 =1   where column x = ?

Now my question is : Column Y is partition column , is this only reason that timesten is skipping  And clause in update query ("And Column y=  ?" )

Please guide us in such case. if possible please provide example of how to cache partition table in timesten.

Thanks ,


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Locked on Sep 18 2014
Added on Aug 11 2014