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Oracle Database Express Edition (XE)


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Oracle 11g XE and SQL Developer

SDCraigSep 1 2014 — edited Sep 9 2014


Very new here.  I'm not sure where to post anything.  Apologies, but I'm all over the board.

I've installed 11g and downloaded SQL Developer (not even sure if this needs to be "installed" as it's just a zip file).

Anyway, at the SQL command line I enter CONNECT SYSTEM and then my password.  I get the following error:

ORA 12154:  TNS could not resolve the connect identifier specified.

Also, the "get started" link does not work either.  Not sure what's going on or if it's specific to my laptop.  I've been trying to connect for two days to no avail.

thank for any help.

This post has been answered by Paul M. on Sep 8 2014
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Locked on Oct 7 2014
Added on Sep 1 2014