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SQL Developer


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SQL Developer & Unicode Chars

497371Mar 10 2006 — edited May 28 2008
Running SQL Developer on Windows XP.

Tool looks good, just one thing, we have Japanese/Korean text (not much at the moment) in our Oracle 9i/Oracle 10g (AL32UTF8)

When I run the query in the sql editor, the chars appear as small rectangles.
Exporting this as XML and loading into an XML viewer (like IE), all the chars appear fine.
When I copy the text from the data results grid and paste into the sql editor window (after tweaking the prefs), the chars appear fine.

so I am wondering ... how can I get the text in the data grid to show the Japanese text ?

Is there a setting I have missed ? or would this be an enhancement ?
We will be storing more and more international chars and having a tool capable of viewing it would be something we have not found in other tools we have trialed.


Barry Mcgillin-Oracle
firstly, select UTF for ur encoding in the prefs to get all those chars enabled. Is it when you run s query vi F9 ttat you see the issue, or when you browse objects with the object viewer
In the Prefs -> Environment, ... set encoding to UTF-8
In the Prefs -> Code Editor -> Fonts ... set to "Arial Unicode MS"

Method 1 :
Open a SQL Worksheet
Tap in the sql, when executing the sql with the <F9> key, japanese text is displayed as small rectangles.
When I cut-and-paste the text into the window where the SQL Statement is typed in, I can see the Japanese chars.

Method 2 :
On the connections panel, goto "Other Users", navigate to the table that contains the unicode chars.
Double click on tablename in the left panel, this brings up a "toad like" display, the second tab is the "Data" tab,
and the unicode data is displayed as miniature rectangles.

I am unable to find a setting (in the Prefs) to set the font for the grid the data is displayed in
These fonts are not yet configurable.

Try going to Control Panel->Regional and Language Options.
Change your locale to Japanese on the first tab, press Apply,
change it back to your old setting, press OK.
Try if it helped.
If not, try the similar operation on the third, Advanced tab. You may need to provide your Windows installation media. You will have to restart Windows after each locale change on the third tab.

-- Sergiusz
Other tools like PL/SQL Developer, Aqua Data Studio, DB Visualizer and even lowly Squirrel can display the Unicode data in a table just fine with no alterations to the Windows desktop environments as Wolicki is suggesting. Each of them just required changing the font to Arial Unicode. Unfortunately, doing the same in SQL Developer does not affect its data grid.

Thanks, but that's not the solution, especially when one has data for 70+ languages in a single table. I can't change my regional and language options 70 time just to view each row in the table.

Square boxes means font not available, you can define fallback fonts to try automatically
when this occurs.

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Locked on Jun 25 2008
Added on Mar 10 2006