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SQL Developer


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SQL Developer & Unicode Chars

497371Mar 10 2006 — edited May 28 2008
Running SQL Developer on Windows XP.

Tool looks good, just one thing, we have Japanese/Korean text (not much at the moment) in our Oracle 9i/Oracle 10g (AL32UTF8)

When I run the query in the sql editor, the chars appear as small rectangles.
Exporting this as XML and loading into an XML viewer (like IE), all the chars appear fine.
When I copy the text from the data results grid and paste into the sql editor window (after tweaking the prefs), the chars appear fine.

so I am wondering ... how can I get the text in the data grid to show the Japanese text ?

Is there a setting I have missed ? or would this be an enhancement ?
We will be storing more and more international chars and having a tool capable of viewing it would be something we have not found in other tools we have trialed.


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Locked on Jun 25 2008
Added on Mar 10 2006