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Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio


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Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio 2017 (RC)

user10875158Jan 20 2017 — edited Feb 14 2018


currently, I'm testing the release candidate of MS Visual Studio 2017. Because we're using Oracle, I need to establish a connection to the database in the Server-Manager.

Normally I use the Oracle Developer Tools which provides the Oracle Managed driver. Does anybody know something about a release of the Developer Tools

for VS 2017? Maybe a beta release of the Developer Tools exists, which I haven't found yet?!




This post has been answered by Alex Keh-Oracle on Jan 26 2017
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Alex Keh-Oracle

Oracle's plan is to support ODT very close to when MS RTMs VS 2017.

There won't be a beta release. We will go straight to production.

Marked as Answer by user10875158 · Sep 27 2020

Hello Alex, as Visual Studio 2017 is now released, could you please let us know what is "very close" translated into a delivery date?




Hello Alex,

as Visual Studio 2017 has been Released since about a week now When Oracle will launch ODP VS 2017?

I am not able to transform my projects to Visual studio 2017 and I need to put a plan to my team



we are also not able to transform our projects to Visual Studio 2017!

When will the developer tools be released?





Our projects are now being developed in Visual Studio 2017 using Entity Framework with Oracle Databases, now the production of new projects have stopped.

Please Oracle make and effort to release it as sooner as possible so we can continue developing because a lot of people expecting this release very impatiently. Or tel us when is going to be released so we can start planning our developing process.

Christian.Shay -Oracle

We are working hard as we speak to release the Visual Studio 2017 support for Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio. It is "coming soon".

Please keep an eye on for the announcement and/or follow us on twitter

Yassen Fingarov

Any news?


VS 2017 has been released for more than a month, has not yet completed, your efficiency is too low!


Any updates yet?

Terje Myklebust

Don't install todays ODAC (VS 2015) if you use VS 2017.  It makes your VS 2017 unstable. To be more specific: you get problem selecting data connection to use in xsd files.  Jour VS 2017 vil just crash.

So, Oracle, please hurry up to get the new ODAC version out so we developer don't destroy our development environment.


It is very hard to plan without a release date.  It would be very helpful to know what "coming soon" means.


Buy old VS2015 again and continue with Oracle or keep new VS2017 and buy MS SQL Server so that we can keep up with the technology. That is the question.

Hope you guys have dates Alex.

Please give us some updates, it's getting hot here.


Lots of pressure to move up to VS 2017 - it would be nice to at least have a release date.


I couldn't wait any longer.  I installed VS 2015 on another machine, and use that to generate DataSets etc.  Then I transfer the generated artifacts to my machine with VS 2017 to incorporate into my application code.  A little clumsy, but it works for now. 


Well, here we are at May 2017 and VS 2017 has long since been released.

Problem is that it would appear the a certain Alex Keh either is stressed to death trying to release ....SOMETHING... or has simply left Oracle and is now working for some other company.

hence the total and complete silence on what is happening - no update to say they're running late or have hit a snag ( which MS always throws in by changing some deeply embedded things and not telling the competition about it ) or that they are simply not going to support 2017 because it's immature.

My guess is that Mr Alex Keh has left the building and no one else wants to play in this area.

By the way, the same issue exists with the release of support for Entity Framework Core 1.1. There is no connection to be had from Oracle. One has to go buy things from devArt to connect to Oracle from EF Core 1.1. Might really be a lot cheaper to switch to SQL Server in the long run.


Hello Alex,

you (Oracle) should have plans and dates for the release meanwhile. Please share the planned release-dates with your community! And please don't make the release dependent on your plans for the support of .NET Core. These are two different things. We just need the ODT as it was before - just for VS 2017 !


Hello Alex!

Any news about release date?

Terje Myklebust

"very close" still?  I had to uninstall ODAC because it destroy my SQL server development.  But, I really want to have my Oracle development environment up running i VS 17.  What is it taking so long time?


"very close" still?    I really want to have my Oracle development environment up running i VS 17.  What is it taking so long time?


We just cancelled our Oracle development and switched to another spatial database. Shame on you Oracle!


Is anyone actually working on ths?


Hi Alex,

Any news on this.  We are moving upto VS2017 and Oracle Projects are not loading in 2017 ofcourse.  We need to have a plan in a place to have Continuous Deployment Builds work with anything coming new.  Please set the tentative release date.


Pritesh Ostwal


Hello Alex!

Any news about release date?


Oracle is always late in .Net integrations. So I do not like to use Oracle in developing Visual Studio applications. You should give this community a quick and satisfactory answer, Alex Key. We are wiaitng your answer.


Hello Alex . We are wiaitng your answer.


Hi, Alex!

You probably know that visual studio 2017 in release state. Tell me in which quarter to wait for the release of a new version of ODT compatible with VS2017. It's very problematic to have two versions of visual studio at the same time.

Hi everyone,

I'm sorry for the lateness of this release but we ran into some issues that have caused delays. We are still working hard to get this out the door as soon as possible so please bear with us.

We will post to and tweet to on the day of the release.


Hello !

Any news about release date?

when we can download the Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio 2017 (RC)?


How about odp for vs2017 now? It's been 6 months.


Hello Alex,

please tell us the Release-Date für Support VS17


Juan Esteban Giraldo

Hi Alex,

We have been waiting a long time ago this new release. I'm thinking about downgrading the Visual studio version to 2015 in order to work with ODP.NET. Any update before taking this action?



Hi Everyone,

Oracle Developer Tools is now available on OTN for download, and it supports Visual Studio 2017:


Hi Christian,

nice to hear that it is now available. I've installed it now and on first look everything seems to run.

But I'm not able to avoid telling you that the communication style about this is less than suboptimal.

No comment on timelines for more than 1 month to a community of 800.000 (Oracle's own words); no comment in newsletters, no... nothing

There is much room for progress in that field.


we downloaded the ODT tools for VS2017 today, uninstalled the tools for VS 2015 from the control panel and installed the tools for VS2017 but we still receive the error "The llibraries required to enable Visual Studio to communicate with the database for design purposes (DDEX provider) are not installed for provider 'Oracle.DataAccess.Client'" when trying to "Update model from database".

Has anyone managed to make it work with VS2017 Community edition ?

We installed the 32bit ODAC version on the development PC.




Hello there,

I'm having an odd problem as soon as I try to create a new database connection inside the entity model wizard (Visual Studio 2017, latest packages installed via NuGet).



I'm trying to do the same thing right now. I keep getting an error that Visual Studio is not installed. I have 2013 and 2017 install on my development machine. I've Installed Oracle 12c (, but without the visual studio tools because it claims to not be able to find my visual studio....grrrr

Christian.Shay -Oracle

Folks, I have some bad news. ODT for VS 2017 is currently not working with Community Edition 2017. The installer may run but it is not getting installed. The symptom is that you will not see "Managed ODP.NET" as an option in Server Explorer. You also will not see "Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio" in the help menu.

We are working on a fix but it will likely be another month delay.

Community Edition 2015 does work.


Thanks for the update Christian. However, the download link should have a notation that the ODT is intended only for VS2017 PRO and Enterprise while resolving the problem so as not to experience what I've experienced figuring out what went wrong.



Hello Christian,

Thank you for the information, it really helps to know that the 2017 Tools does not work in VS2017 Community edition. I could have spent fruitless hours trying to figure it out.

Please  clarify your statement regarding Community Edition 2015 - are you saying that Tools for VS2017 will work with Community Edition or are you saying that Tools for VS215 still works with VS 2015?



I agree with you.

Spent some days installing and unistalling before finding this answer.


I have a same question


I am having an issue adding a new Connection in VS 2017 Enterprise edition. It will not allow me to select a Database in Server Explorer when using TNSNAMES.ORA. The ORA file is correct it is pointing to the correct file, but will not show me any options to select from. I have repeatedly tried to import the choices from the TNSNAMES.ORA the SQL Developer is pointing to, but it never shows any choices in the Data source name drop down to choose.



Still no news for the Community Edition ?


If this helps anyone (had some issues myself)....

If both VS 2017 community (AND) VS 2017 pro are installed....then Oracle Data Tools for VS 2017 will not work with VS 2017 pro. IE no option will show on the Change Data Source screen.

The solution is to:

1. UNINSTALL Oracle Data Tools for VS 2017.

2. UN-INSTALL VS 2017 community. Can leave VS 2017 pro installed OK.

3. RE-INSTALL Oracle Data Tools for VS 2017.

Then the data connection option will show up OK.

Ba da bing, ba da boom....


Benzhi Pan

Hello Christian,

I have VS2017 PRO and uninstalled ODT for VS2015 using OUI on my PC, there isn't any oracle tools any more. ODT 2017 still crash my VS2017 on startup, any info on ODT2017 vs. VS2017 PRO? Capture.PNG


Hi Christian,

Any idea we can expect a fix for Visual Studio 2017 Community..?


After MONTHS of being waiting this ODP for vs2017, seems that the wait doesnt worth, Im getting this error once I tried to work with EntityFramework and Oracle:

OracleVSGPkg.SetSite - Exception Oracle Developer Tools VS Package SetSite - Registering Oracle Project Factory mscorlib Catastrophic failure (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8000FFFF (E_UNEXPECTED)) at System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHRInternal(Int32 errorCode, IntPtr errorInfo) at Microsoft.VisualStudio.Editor.Implementation.TextDocData.get_DTEDocument() at Microsoft.VisualStudio.Editor.Implementation.TextDocData.EnvDTE.IExtensibleObject.GetAutomationObject(String Name, IExtensibleObjectSite pParent, Object& ppDisp) at System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHRInternal(Int32 errorCode, IntPtr errorInfo) at Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Package.RegisterProjectFactory(IVsProjectFactory factory) at Oracle.VsDevTools.OracleVSGPkg.IVsPackageSetSite(IServiceProvider psp)

and also you must try to be more specific on errors, the generic old trick of Type incorrect for everything will driving us nuts

Thanks In Advance


After being analysing this issue I realize that I install the ODP without installing ODAC, If those was dependant one of each other I did not know it.. if dont there you go, this is the solution, like always for working with Oracle you need to install 6 tons of crap for being using only 1 pound of it, and the friendly setups like "Next - Next - Next"  are impossible to achieve from you guys... shame on you Oracle....


The ODAC installation for the 32-bit unmanaged driver is also broken with vs2017 community and results in INS-50013 error.

Screen Shot 2017-09-01 at 2.35.37 PM.png
Are there any updates on the timeline for this? In the process of reimplementing some legacy oracle forms and I would prefer not to have to hand code all of the db interactions retrieving fields from the DB.


もう9月になるというのに、新しいODTは未だにVisual Studio 2017 Communityに対応していない。一体全体、Oracleの開発チームは何をやっているのだ!しかも、この件について、OracleのODTのサイトでは何ら公式のアナウンスがない。これは明らかにOracleの開発チームの怠慢であると言わざるを得ない!

***Moderator note (Timo): User, this is an English language forum. Please post your question or comments in English language!***

Translation via Google:


Even though it will already be in September, the new ODT still does not correspond to the Visual Studio 2017 Community. What on earth are the Oracle development team doing! Moreover, there is no official announcement on Oracle's ODT site regarding this matter. It is obviously to say that it is negligence of the Oracle development team!


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Locked on Mar 14 2018
Added on Jan 20 2017