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Oracle licencing policy for SE2 on Nutanix

user1441180Mar 7 2017 — edited Mar 8 2017


Can any one direct us to documentation on Oracle licensing policy for SE2 on Nutanix.

We have heard that SE2 on Nutanix is allowed if the vm is pinned to a node, but we want to verify this. Our re-seller is not very helpful with this question.

Thanks and Regards,


This post has been answered by Dude! on Mar 7 2017
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You need to contact Oracle sales and can review licensing information available on the web. No one here can or will give you any official licensing advice.

Marked as Answer by user1441180 · Sep 27 2020

I would also be wary of the Nutanix claims about running Oracle on their hyperconverged solution. I had a Nutanix salesman repeatedly tell me things I know are false as far as Oracle licensing is concerned. The salesman did also mention some things which could be true but I thought was in a grey area. In the end, my company decided not to buy their solution, but not for Oracle licensing reasons. So I never looked into licensing Oracle on Nutanix in any more depth after that.

I also remember the early days of VMWare and that company's literature on Oracle licensing for their products. VMWare's claims on how to reduce licensing costs using their products were later debunked by Oracle Corp. My point of this is just because the vendor makes claims about how Oracle licensing will work on their product doesn't mean its fact. Oracle Corp is the only one that can determine licensing specifics, not some third-party vendor. And Oracle is already on record that saying any form of soft partitioning is not used as a means to limit the number of licenses needed.

You're doing the right thing about questioning Oracle licensing on Nutanix. I don't trust Nutanix nor VMWare to be the definitive answer on licensing for some product they have no control over. Trust the products vendor, Oracle. After all, Oracle is the one that will audit you. I'm not saying licensing on Nutanix is a bad nor a good thing. I truthfully do not know. But before I would commit to running Oracle on Nutanix, I'd get the answers from Oracle and no one else..and I'd get it in writing.

If your reseller is unhelpful, then might I suggest its time to find another reseller? There are lots out there. You can also contact Oracle Sales directly and not go through a reseller.

I also found this link which may be of interest to you:





Thanks for both responses. We are not looking for official advice, we would just like to find any relevant documentation.

Will contact Oracle sales.



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Locked on Apr 5 2017
Added on Mar 7 2017