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Control file

newbiegalJun 4 2018 — edited Jun 5 2018

Hi Friends,

We have created a new 11gR2 instance on Windows 2012 R2. By mistake, control files are created with same names  in 2 different disk -  D:\oracle\oradata\prod\control01.ctl, E:\oracle\oradata\prod\control02.ctl, J:\oracle\oradata\prod\control02.ctl (instead of control03.ctl).    Is it OK for Oracle to have same names for control files in different locations?

From my research, found that control file can be renamed. To rename the control file in J:\  to control03.ctl, please let me know if the below steps are correct

alter system set control_files='D:\oracle\oradata\prod\control01.ctl', 'E:\oracle\oradata\prod\control02.ctl','J:\oracle\oradata\prod\control03.ctl' scope=spfile;
shutdown immediate;
manually rename control file in the filesystem in J:\  to J:\oracle\oradata\prod\control03.ctl

Please advice.

THank you so much in advance



There's no problem to have copies of the same control files in different directories and ideally on different media and independent storage controllers. It's called control file multiplexing and very common.

Yes, you can use the alter system command according to  your needs. There are many examples on the web, For instance:


Sorry, in my quick-scan first read I saw your opening statement:

We have created a new 11gR2 instance on Windows 2012 R2. By mistake


We have created a new 11gR2 instance on Windows 2012 R2 by mistake

And thought to myself, "yes, creating it on a Windows machine is certainly a mistake!"

Seriously,though, many would consider installing a new 11g to be a mistake regardless of platform.  It is effectively at end of life, going into sustaining support by the end of this year.

As for your actual question, Oracle doesn't care if the individual file names are the same.  It is using the fully-qualified name (complete directory path) to identify all files.  But from a human management perspective, it seems to make more sense to name them as you want (control01, control02, etc.).  And your procedure is essentially correct.  I say 'essentially' because it is one of several minor variations on the theme, all of which will get you there in the end.  The common theme being 'alter database' to change the entry in the spfile', stop the database, move/rename the file at the OS level, start the database.


Yes, it works as you have described it, if you run with spfile. If you run with the old init.ora you need to specify the right names in there, shutdown immediate the database, rename/copy your controlfiles to the right names/places and startup the database again.

That's easy. You could also use rman to mirror the controlfiles, but stay at the easy path...

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Locked on Jul 3 2018
Added on Jun 4 2018