Hi Friends,
We have created a new 11gR2 instance on Windows 2012 R2. By mistake, control files are created with same names in 2 different disk - D:\oracle\oradata\prod\control01.ctl, E:\oracle\oradata\prod\control02.ctl, J:\oracle\oradata\prod\control02.ctl (instead of control03.ctl). Is it OK for Oracle to have same names for control files in different locations?
From my research, found that control file can be renamed. To rename the control file in J:\ to control03.ctl, please let me know if the below steps are correct
alter system set control_files='D:\oracle\oradata\prod\control01.ctl', 'E:\oracle\oradata\prod\control02.ctl','J:\oracle\oradata\prod\control03.ctl' scope=spfile;
shutdown immediate;
manually rename control file in the filesystem in J:\ to J:\oracle\oradata\prod\control03.ctl
Please advice.
THank you so much in advance