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Oracle 12cR2 installation error on Linux

User_6CQCGAug 23 2018 — edited Aug 23 2018

Hello Folks -

I'm trying to install Oracle DB 12cR2 on Linux machine, but getting error in "Oracle Database Configuration Assistant". I checked the logs and seems like issue with emExpressPort value: 5500.

Please see below logs:

INFO: Started Plugin named: Oracle Database Configuration Assistant

INFO: Found associated job

INFO: Starting 'Oracle Database Configuration Assistant'

INFO: Starting 'Oracle Database Configuration Assistant'

INFO: Executing DBCA

INFO: Command /home/app/oracle/product/12.2.0/dbhome_2/bin/dbca -progress_only -createDatabase -templateName General_Purpose.dbc -createAsContainerDatabase true -pdbName pdborcl -numberOfPDBs 1 -sid orcl -gdbName orcl -emConfiguration DBEXPRESS -emExpressPort 5500 -storageType FS -datafileDestination /home/app/oracle/oradata -datafileJarLocation /home/app/oracle/product/12.2.0/dbhome_2/assistants/dbca/templates -characterset AL32UTF8 -obfuscatedPasswords false -recoveryAreaDestination NONE -automaticMemoryManagement false -totalMemory 12824 -maskPasswords false -ignorePrereqFailure -skipEnforcePasswordComplexityCheck true -oui_internal

INFO: ... GenericInternalPlugIn.handleProcess() entered.

INFO: ... GenericInternalPlugIn: getting configAssistantParmas.

INFO: ... GenericInternalPlugIn: checking secretArguments.

INFO: ... GenericInternalPlugIn: starting read loop.

INFO: Read: [FATAL] [DBT-06103] The port (5,500) is already in use.

INFO: [FATAL] [DBT-06103] The port (5,500) is already in use.

WARNING: Skipping line: [FATAL] [DBT-06103] The port (5,500) is already in use.

INFO: Read: ACTION: Specify a free port.

INFO: ACTION: Specify a free port.

WARNING: Skipping line: ACTION: Specify a free port.

INFO: Completed Plugin named: Oracle Database Configuration Assistant

INFO: Oracle Database Configuration Assistant failed.

INFO: Oracle Database Configuration Assistant failed.

INFO: ConfigClient.executeToolsInAggregate action performed

INFO: Exiting ConfigClient.executeToolsInAggregate method

INFO: Calling event ConfigToolsExecuted

I am not sure where is this 5500 value is hardcoded. While configuration I never gave any port manually.

I searched online and one of the solution is to edit /etc/hosts file and include hostname over there. I've done that as well but still same error.


As per suggestions I tried to search if any process is using this port, but couldn't find one. Please see below:


I tried - netstat | grep 5500, but it gives no result.

Also tried ps | grep 5500, but it also didn't give any result.

Please help!



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Locked on Sep 20 2018
Added on Aug 23 2018