I have to migrate Oracle VM backend storage from an IBM SAN to a Netapp SAN.
I have only 2 Oracle VM servers and they "see" both SANs. Version of the environment is 3.4.4 and the manager is an extenal vSphere based VM.
I have already created a new VM repository on new SAN and cloned/moved VMs.
I see from doc id 1919855.1 that there is a particular procedure to migrate the lun dedicated to the server pool filesystem.
In my case I cannot replicate between old and new SANs, due to heterogeneity of storage.
What is the suggested mean to copy data? To use an helper Linux machine (eventually with liveos) connected to both SANs and using "dd" command from old lun to new lun?
It seems not so clear to me reading the doc.
Any alternative?
It seems a strong architecture limitation... is there any lan to bypass this with future versions?
Thanks in advance,