I'm using XE 18C on a Windows platform. I installed Apex 18.2 and then installed ORDS 18.4. I followed the instructions in section in the install guide https://docs.oracle.com/en/database/oracle/oracle-rest-data-services/18.3/aelig/installing-REST-data-services.html#GUID-…
When I was prompted for "Enter the Apex static resource location" I responded with C:\app\product\apex\images
The install went without an error. I looked at all the logs in C:\Users\(my_username). Not a single mention of "error" or "warning".
In the Apex install guide, section 4.6 it instructs to copy the Apex images folder to ORDS. I copied C:\app\product\apex\images to C:\app\product\ords. Then I ran @apex_rest_config.sql from SQL Plus. It seemed to complete OK.
When I attempt to access Apex through a browser (localhost:9090/ords/apex) I receive a popup error: "There are issues with the configuration of the Static Files in your environment. Please consult "Configuring Static File Support" section in the Application Express Install Guide."
If I click OK on the prompt I can continue on to the Apex logon screen. I'm able to login and get to the first screen. However I want to address the error before proceeding further.
Any ideas why I'm getting this error? Thanks for looking at this.