how to use sqlplus with utf8 on windows command line
2920439Dec 19 2007 — edited Dec 31 2007I expected sqlplus to work interactively with the following settings:
- Lucida Console font for command window
- chcp 65001 (UTF8-Windows-Codepage)
- set NLS_LANG=.AL32UTF8
But it turned out that
1) sqlplus apparently does not use WIN32-API function ReadConsoleW and WriteConsoleW (these wide char functions must be used instead of ReadFile and WriteFile for Console I/O)
2) cmd silently ignores all .cmd and .bat files with codepage set to 65001.
I fear that such a problem regarding a minority of command line freaks has low priority for Oracle and for Microsoft, so I wrote two small filters in C.
rconsu8 passes keyboard input to stdout, using ReadConsoleW
wconsu8 passes stdin to console, using WriteConsoleW
both set the UTF8-codepage 65001 and restore the previous codepage at exit.
Anybody interested?
(Yes, I know that I could use sqldeveloper.)
Sample session:
C:\>set NLS_LANG=.AL32UTF8
C:\>rconsu8 | sqlplus scott/tiger@DBUTF8 | wconsu8
SQL> select '€' from dual;
SQL> select * from test_cyrillic;
Euro €