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the driver doesn't support the version of ODBC

543354Jan 22 2008 — edited Jan 23 2008

We have been working with timesten client on a windows, we had not have any problem, the number of clients had not connect more than 80 clients, but today we connected 125 clients and we got this error directly to the client application.

ERROR [08001] [TimesTen][TimesTen CLIENT]Unable to connect to data source (DSN: SentraProdDSN; Network Address:; Port Number: 16003). ENOTSOCK: Invalid socket or socket closed.

ERROR [01000] [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] The driver doesn't support the version of ODBC behavior that the application requested (see SQLSetEnvAttr).

But on the server error log the messages were:

14:52:02.75 Err : SRV: 8974: EventID=5| Socket recv() failed. Error (131): Con
nection reset by peer. File: /olympus/build/release_20070911/VisiChannel/oc/src/
vostcpip.cpp; Line: 632
14:52:02.75 Err : SRV: 8974: EventID=68| Failed to read request from client. Cl
osing connection without reply.
14:52:06.38 Err : SRV: 9078: EventID=5| Socket recv() failed. Error (131): Con
nection reset by peer. File: /olympus/build/release_20070911/VisiChannel/oc/src/
vostcpip.cpp; Line: 632
14:52:06.38 Err : SRV: 9083: EventID=5| Socket recv() failed. Error (131): Con
nection reset by peer. File: /olympus/build/release_20070911/VisiChannel/oc/src/
vostcpip.cpp; Line: 632
14:52:06.38 Err : SRV: 9078: EventID=68| Failed to read request from client. Cl
osing connection without reply.
14:52:06.38 Err : SRV: 9083: EventID=68| Failed to read request from client. Cl
osing connection without reply.
14:52:06.81 Err : SRV: 9116: EventID=3| Socket send() failed. Error (32): Brok
en pipe. File: /olympus/build/release_20070911/VisiChannel/oc/src/vostcpip.cpp;
Line: 728
14:52:06.81 Err : SRV: 9116: EventID=5| Socket recv() failed. Error (131): Con
nection reset by peer. File: /olympus/build/release_20070911/VisiChannel/oc/src/
vostcpip.cpp; Line: 632
14:52:06.81 Err : SRV: 9116: EventID=68| Failed to read request from client. Cl
osing connection without reply.
14:52:07.13 Err : SRV: 16186: EventID=5| Socket recv() failed. Error (146): Con
nection refused. File: /olympus/build/release_20070911/VisiChannel/oc/src/vostcp
ip.cpp; Line: 632
14:52:07.57 Err : SRV: 16186: EventID=5| Socket recv() failed. Error (146): Con
nection refused. File: /olympus/build/release_20070911/VisiChannel/oc/src/vostcp
ip.cpp; Line: 632

So we don't know if this error could happen because the number of connections were exceeded, but when this has happened the error messages is different.

Let me tell you that the application client was developed using C#. So could it be that the C# on .NET could have a instruction that the timesten ODBC could not manage?


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Locked on Feb 20 2008
Added on Jan 22 2008