R9: Journal Details Report - Unable to search unposted journals
Unable to run the Journal Details Report for a single unposted journal batch in R9Content
Hi, We have recently upgraded to R9 from R8. In R8, we were able to run the Journal Details Report for a single unposted journal batch. But after upgrading to R9, we are unable to run the report for a single journal batch.
So when we pull up Journal Details Report through scheduled processes, it prompts us to enter the following parameters:
Data Access Set, Currency, Ledger, Posting Status, Journal Batch and other criteria.
We select posting status = Unposted and try to select an unposted journal batch in the Journal Batch parameter. But we don't see the unposted journals when we search in the journal batch parameter window. It only shows posted journals. In R8, we were able to search for unposted journal batch and run the report for just that batch.