Is there any ER in place to remove this limitation for the "Customer spreadsheet" or to add the
Is there any ER in place to remove this limitation for the "Customer spreadsheet" or to add the "WebService way" to ERP Cloud?Content
We are implementing ERP CS and planning to use the "Upload Customers From Spreadsheet (Simplified Import)" to load customers from an external system following Oracle recommendation as the "Bulk Import" is very complex ( 19 files to be populated) ,but they wanted to call it by web service ( as its available in other Imports via "submitESSJobRequest" ) and found the following note "Can Upload Customers Job be Called by the Web Service (Doc ID 2042425.1)", Aug/15
"Upload Customers job from a web service is not supported. The Upload Customers job cannot be invoked from any other program or Web Service. It can only be invoked byuploading the spreadsheet in the Manage Customer Uploads page."