Issues - EPMAutomate Command to runbusinessrule Command
Issues - EPMAutomate Command to runbusinessrule CommandContent
Trying the below command and keep getting error (EPMAT-11:Internal server error. 1). I am on Linux.
epmautomate runbusinessrule LI_ClearData LI_Scenario=$scenario LI_Version=$version LI_Year=$fiscalYear
$scenario = Budget, $fiscalYear = FY16, $version="Stage 1"
It works if I try the below command (hard coded the value for version as "Stage 1" instead of using variable $version)
epmautomate runbusinessrule LI_ClearData LI_Scenario=$scenario LI_Version="Stage 1" LI_Year=$fiscalYear
Any idea what could be causing this issue? I am reading the parameters from a file and then passing it to the