DATAEXPORT - level 0 with upper level sparse members
Need assistance on extracting data with upper level sparse membersContent
Hi all,
Is it possible to extract data with DATAEXPORT and fixing on two dynamically calc'd parent level members (MED_All_Final and MED_Total Plan in example below) of two sparse dimensions? Every time I run the rule I get their level 0 children. If not possible, any suggestions on how I can have the two parent members in my extract? Thanks in advance!
Here's what I have:
DataExportLevel All;
DataExportDynamicCalc ON;
DataExportNonExistingBlocks OFF;
DataExportDecimal 2;
DataExportPrecision 16;
DataExportColFormat ON;
DataExportColHeader Period;
DataExportDimHeader ON;
DataExportRelationalFile OFF;
DataExportOverwriteFile ON;