OAC Essbase - Outline validation failed, but there's no error in the log file.
Made modification to outline and outline has errors. log file says to check error file, but how do I do this in the cloud.Content
I made some outline changes and then tried to run a dimension build rule file job. Job failed without outline has errors.
Downloaded the application log file. All I see there were errors validating the outline. Please check the error file. Anyone know how I can check this error file from the Cloud ?.
Dimension build completed successfully
[2018-10-06T05:49:56.383-05:00] [WrkShpX01] [NOTIFICATION:16] [TCP-59] [TCP] [ecid: 1538822850114,0] [tid: 140315983238912] Connected from [::a8c4:8d01:0:0]
[2018-10-06T05:49:56.383-05:00] [WrkShpX01] [NOTIFICATION:16] [REQ-91] [REQ] [ecid: 1538822850114,0] [tid: 140315983238912] [DBNAME: WrkShp1] Received Command [BuildDimensionEnd] from user [admin]